Monday, October 15, 2012

MDIA 4902 Blog Assignment #5

MDIA 4902 Blog Assignment #4

If I were to open a store I would definitely do an online store rather than a brick and mortar store. Brick and mortar stores have an advantage over online stores in that they can meet a pressing need more easily. Online sales take a lot longer to arrive. Brick and mortar stores also have the benefit of direct human contact, so if a customer is uncertain about a product there is someone there to discuss it. Online stores have the advantage of convenience. They're incredibly easy to use and it's great to be able to buy what you need without leaving the home, as long as you don't need it immediately. Online stores also have the advantage of a low overhead - from the ownership perspective. You can keep a smaller staff and a smaller inventory compared to a brick and mortar store. Brick and mortar stores are here to stay. They often serve a different purpose than online stores can provide, especially with food products or things that people want to see and try out before they purchase.

MDIA 4902 Blog Assignment #3

In order to make my blog more marketable there are a few things that I would do. First off, my blog is really scatter brained at the moment, there is little to no continuity to the content and the average reader is not going to find that appealing. So, I would first organize my content better and set a plan to make more consistent content. As it stands right now, my blog does not have much use for readers - this is the most pressing issue. Second, I would link my blog to my Facebook and other social media sites in order to create more exposure and draw in viewers. By connecting my social media sites, anyone who would have any interest one of my accounts could be directed to my blog and therefore it would increase the traffic to my site. Third, my titles would include more "buzzwords" in order to be more relevant to web searches. By using key terms that people often search using search engines my posts would show up with more relevance to what whatever topic the person is researching, and then they would be more likely to visit my blog.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

MDIA 4902 Blog Entry #2

Picture from:

MDIA 4902 Blog Entry #1

The social networking sites that I use are Facebook, Instagram, Blogger, and Reddit. I use Facebook and Reddit daily, they have become part of my routine. I use Instagram maybe once a week. I used to use Blogger fairly frequently but now I just check other blogs occasionally and don't update my own blog very often. My favorite social networking site is probably Facebook. It just makes short communications extremely easy and it's Facebook chat function is pretty handy.